Democrats Come Out For Net Neutrality
Though Net Neutrality is not a partisan issue, as evidenced by bipartisan support outside of Congress, primary support (but not all of it) for enshrining what is called the Internet's First Amendment has come from Democratic legislators. Matt Stoller, blogging for Open Left, is proud to tell everyone, then, his campaign to get 16 Democratic Senate challengers in this year's election season on board for the cause is a success.
Democrats PWN The Political Web
For whatever larger reason, Democrats seem much better at utilizing the Internet, and e-marketing in general, than the Republicans to get their messages out. From YouTube, to Google bombs, to SEM and SEO, the Democrats own the Internet, inherited from its inventor, former Vice President Gore
Democrats Apply Election Laws To Bloggers
Political bloggers beware. Democrats on Wednesday halted a bill designed to amend election laws to exempt bloggers from massive federal election regulations. The vote went pretty much down partisan lines with only 46 Democrat out of over 200 voting in favor of the bill.