Thursday, January 9, 2025


Tips For Dealing With Stranger Danger 2.0

When I was a kid cautionary tales usually involved crossing the street, stranger danger, and scissors. Modern parents are adding anecdotes about MySpace and other social networking sites where strangers transform from shadowy abstract figures in far away communities to hoards of perverts lurking about your living room.

The Danger of Not Letting Your Bloggers Know

What's the danger of not letting your internal bloggers know about your product release plans?

Helping Teen Bloggers Avoid Stranger Danger

Not every blog reader has the best of intentions. They are, at times, predators of some nature, and use the popularity of the blogosphere among teenagers as a point of strategy for acting out their fantasies. If you have teenage children who are bloggers (statistically there's a good chance of it), then it's a good idea to have them check out

Greenspan Warns Congress of Long-Term Economic Danger

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned congress that the U.S. budget deficits are a threat to the long-term economic health of the country.

New York Times Doesn’t Get the Real Danger of Corporate Blogging

I'm mentioned in a New York Times Article on the dangers of corporate blogging tomorrow.

Friend + Career Advice = Danger

Q. My friend really hates her job. She's a terrific writer who writes our community newsletter. How can I encourage her to embark on a writing career, using her talents to make money? Signed: Concerned
Refer your customers to loans hub. Dot regulated drug tests must use urine samples. L’obiettivo non dovrebbe essere quello di sostituire la logica con l’emozione, ma di integrarle in modo armonioso.