Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Navision Attain C/ODBC Crystal Report Customization Example

Microsoft Business Solutions Navision is main ERP application for European, Brazilian markets plus it serves vertical segments of the USA market, such as light manufacturing, POS, CRM. As our experience indicates - Navision implementation requires more customization and tuning in comparison to another mid-market ERP solution from MBS: Microsoft Great Plains. Our goal is to popularize Microsoft Business Solutions products and enlighten IT people to do customize Navision in-house.

Crystal Reports – Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is the leader for inexpensive and middle size SQL solutions. Plus it is now capable to serve large enterprise on Microsoft Windows platform. Crystal Reports is the most flexible tool on the market and it has market recognition. Multiple software vendors offer Crystal Reports as the main reporting tool: Microsoft, Best Software, Oracle to name a few.

Crystal Reports for Microsoft RMS Overview for Developer/report Designer

Microsoft Retail Management System (MS RMS), former QuickSell 2000 is very popular retail system, which is capable to automate the whole spectrum of retail businesses - from single store with inventory count needs up to the chain of supermarkets.

Crystal Reports for Microsoft Navision – overview for Programmer/IT Specialist

Microsoft Business Solutions Navision serves both European and American megamarkets.

Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization Switching to New Technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConnect

This article is for intermediate Great Plains Dexterity developer. It describes the directions to phase out Dexterity functionality and replace it with newer technologies.

Crystal Reports – Geterogeneus databases: SQL Server, Oracle, Unidata, Btrieve tips for developers

Crystal Reports is the most flexible tool on the market and it has market recognition.

The Crystal Ball

Imagine you had a crystal ball back in January of 2003 and could look and see yourself today. Is this where you expected to be? Is this where you HOPED to be?
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