Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Headline Creation Quick Tips

Headlines are tricky – especially when writing for the Web. You want to be search engine friendly, but at the same time, you don't want to readers (or potential readers) to skim over the headline like it's part of a technical manual.

More on Mobile Search Site Creation & Optimization

Part 2: Mobile Site Optimization The question remains; how should you optimize a mobile web page? All of the presenters provided tips, but Cindy Krum’s presentation provided the majority of information. I listed a blend of the tips from all presenters below:

Co-creation vs. Customization

Thanks to some very insightful comments on my recent Co-creation post by Drew, James and David, we've hashed out the difference between co-creation and customization.

Co-Creation 2

Continuing the conversation about co-creation, here was my definition of it last year on Brandshift.

The Numbered Days of Traditional Ad Creation

Firefox Flicks, the grassroots marketing campaign designed to increase awareness of the Firefox browser, ended on Friday.

Straight Up Site of Interest for RSS Feed Creation

It's time once again for another installment of everyone's favorite, our Straight Up Site of Interest.

Character Creation

Creating a character is a work of art. Many animators use Flash to create their characters for presentation.

Teens Do Lots Of Content Creation

Pew Internet and Life said in a recent report that 57 percent of teens now create Internet content, whether it is a blog, a web page, or simply sharing offline content online.
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