SES: Creating Your Corporate Narrative
Everybody loves a good narrative. That's not to say everybody loves the same type of narrative. Experts in the craft of writing, though, generally agree there is a "worst" kind of story, one they label the agenda story. That's because the narrative is a thin veil for a thesis, one the author is trying to impose upon the reader; the reader would rather come to his own conclusions based on the narrative itself
Phelps Creating Online Buzz
U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps is having success in the Beijing Olympics that has led him to be the most talked about Olympic athlete on the Internet according to Nielsen Online.
Is Creating a Facebook Study Group Cheating?
An 18 year old freshman at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, could be expelled his first year of college because of a Facebook group he was the administrator of. Facebook started as a way for college students to network online and Chris Avenir used is as a virtual study group for his chemistry class. Now he faces charges of academic misconduct and could be kicked out of the university.
More Americans Creating Content Online
Close to 40 percent (38%) of Americans are watching TV shows online, 36 percent use their cell phones for entertainment and 45 percent are creating Web sites, music, videos and blogs, according to a survey from Deloitte & Touche.
Are You Creating an Experience for the Customer?
While browsing websites for gift ideas, I am constantly seeing the awesome potential of multimedia. Now that there are multiple social websites for almost every kind of media, the potential for customers to be exposed to your experience is limitless, and really inexpensive.
Creating a Social Media Bio in Typepad (without HTML)
If you are already a Movable Type or HTML expert, this post is not for you. But many fellow bloggers who are Typepad users (but not programming saavy) asked how I created my Social Media Bio and how they might do the same. For all of you that asked, here is how I hacked mine together - using a bare minimum of coding knowledge and mostly using the tools that already exist within Typepad:
Google Makes Creating Map Collections Easier
Google has added a new feature to Google Maps called MyMaps, which makes it possible, with no programming experience, to create a map with detail. You can place pushpins by just right-clicking on the map, write descriptions on them, even add HTML to include pictures, and save the whole thing to send to a friend. It even had drawing tools for drawing lines or complex areas. I did a simple mashup, listing some favorite places in New York, in a matter of minutes:
Creating a Blog That Attracts the Right Links
I setup A LOT of blogs (5 so far this week) and many times it’s difficult for customers to get or understand is that one of the key components in a successful blog search marketing campaign is shaping a blog so that it attracts links automatically from other on-topic blogs and sites.