Thursday, February 6, 2025


More on the Blog Council

Behind these closed doors, a virtual council of big business marketers will meet to discuss how to best engage with people through blogs and all forms of social media.

Major Corporations Form ‘The Blog Council’

A dozen major corporations are getting together to form "The Blog Council," a group dedicated to developing standards for corporate blogging. The council hopes to address issues and challenges unique to multinational corporations.

Blog Council Skepticism

I was just reading the blogs this morning (I have a Fast Company column due and am avoiding working on it) but the news about a new blog council caught my eye. In particular, I see Dave Taylor’s response and tend to agree with him. I’m pretty skeptical. Why?

Email Marketing Council Merges With EEC

The Direct Marketing Association has announced it will merge its Email Marketing Council with the Email Experience Council in an effort to strengthen the multichannel marketing environment.

DMA Search Marketing Council Interviews

Here is a collection of short video interviews taken during day one of the DM Days conference in New York. The Direct Marketing Association has a variety of special interest groups called “councils”. One of them is focused on search marketing and appropriately named, the Search Engine Marketing Council, or SEMC.

Email Experience Council On Image Rendering

A new study by the Email Experience Council says that images and links in emails are often not visible because of email reader restrictions and coding errors. The EEC Rendering Report examined 1,000 emails from business-to consumer and business-to business to find out the renderability of the messages.

Click Quality Council Targeting Fraud

Members of the recently formed Click Quality Council want to speed up the process to establish standards for defining click fraud and valid pay-per-click activity. The white-hot issue of click fraud has become a source of greater concern for advertisers.

End User Council at Storage Networking World

Storage Networking World (SNW) Spring 2006 is covering a lot of new ground. One area of discussion is going to be interoperability and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) End User Council (EUC) will attempt to explain the issues surrounding interoperability.
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