Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Business Structures Defined: The Corporation

The corporation is America's most popular and oldest form of business entity. As such, corporate statutes have had the opportunity to evolve over the years and have become quite uniform throughout the states. Today, the most popular forms of corporation include the "General-For-Profit Corporation (or, C-Corporation)" and the "S-Corporation."

Tax questions Answered: Dissolving a Corporation

Hi Wayne, Just read your very informative article from Murdok. In the article you say that to dissolve an S corp is a can of worms, why? I launched my second ecommerce company in May of 02 in Massachusetts. I incorporated as an S corp. In October of 02 I moved to New York. I decided that since the company was not a huge success (yet) that there was really no reason for me to keep a corporation in Mass while living in NY.

Fair Measures Corporation: A Case Study In Online “Thinking Outside The Box”

Fair Measures Corporation is a nationally recognized management training company made up of attorneys and professional speakers. They consult with companies such as Oracle, Sun and Cisco around preventing employee lawsuits by treating employees with respect. Their Web site, at contains over 500 pages of free in-depth legal information and analysis, provided for both employers and employees. It includes a monthly e-newsletter, and an "Ask the Lawyers" page where visitors can post additional questions. The site attracts frequent media attention, and has been featured in "HR Magazine".
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