Saturday, February 8, 2025


Coping With Business Bullies

Dear Susan: My boss spends so much time on trying to find things I am doing wrong that I frankly do not know how he has time for anything else. He also goes around to other supervisors and fellow employees and tells them things about me so now others are keeping their distance for fear that they will be next. I think this is a very severe case of what they call "bullying."

Coping with Interruptions

This past few weeks has brought into a brighter light one of the obstacles that we, as home business owners, have to endure all the time unexpected interruptions. Sure, interruptions don't just happen to home business owners but we seem to have the most unique ones.

Coping with the Deployment of a Loved One

When we must part with a loved one, we have physical and emotional reactions beyond our control. Our emotional intelligence skills can help us manage them. Having someone you love deployed is extremely stressful.

Coping With Spam Filters

If you haven't yet heard about the chaos that Spam Filters are currently causing for publishers, then I am about to tell you EVERYTHING you'll need to know on this subject. Many of our fellow publishers disregard the fact that Spam Filters DO in fact exist. For some reason just do NOT want to face the fact that, they are DESTROYING their businesses. I write a column on Spam for DEMC small business ezine, so I do consider myself to be well educated on this subject. If you have any questions about what I am about to tell you, feel free to contact me at:

Coping with Spam Accusations

More and more publishers are consistently getting accused of spamming. Whether there is any truth to some of these accusations is yet to be seen, however in MOST instances these accusations are nothing but a complete farce! We as publishers seem to get picked on MORE so than anyone else online. I am not certain as to WHY exactly that is, but we do.

Resilience: Its More Than Just Coping

"Resilience is more than just coping," says Larry Mallak, who teaches organizational management at Western Michigan U. "That's keeping your head above water. Being resilient means being able to walk out of the water."
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