Monday, January 13, 2025


Controlling Disk Space w/ Symbolic Links

I've covered this in other articles here, but when I went searching for something to point a customer at I had a little trouble finding it, so we'll do it here:

Controlling Office Interruptions

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people is that they can't work for more than a few minutes without being interrupted. The result? A small project ends up taking all day, or you have to work into the evening because that's the only time you're not interrupted. An open-door policy sounds good in theory, but it can produce so many interruptions that it's hard to get anything done. The other extreme is equally unwise -- if you block off interruptions for several hours, a small problem you could have handled might turn into a crisis because you couldn't be reached. You need a balance between controlling interruptions and staying informed.

Controlling Page Margins with External CSS

What are page margins and why would you want to use them? You have seen them before but may have not realized it. Some web pages have a margin (space around the edges of the browser window). Web pages that do not have a page margin, will display the page content and graphics flush with the browser window. Each method has a purpose and creates a different effect. Try using different page margin values with your web site and see which you prefer.

Control Employees By Controlling Yourself

Dear EQ Coach: My administrative assistant is quite young (22) and often displays her emotions in an inappropriate manner when things aren't going well at home or with her family. Though I think I treat her very compassionately, and grant her a lot of flexibility, there are times that her sour, combative moods become unbearable-especially when at these times she also often arrives late to work and doesn't perform her tasks with care or accuracy and does not provide me the assistance I need in a timely manner. How can I tell my assistant that her behavior and attitude are unprofessional and not acceptable without making things worse?

Controlling Search Engine Spiders

Sometimes you have pages on your website that you don't want the search engines to see - maybe they're not optimized yet, or maybe they're not quite relevant to your site's theme. In other cases, you want to get rid of some annoying search robot that's cluttering up your logs. Whatever your reason is for wanting to keep the spiders under control, the best way to do so, by far, is to use a "robots.txt" file on your website. Robots.txt is a simple text file that you upload to the root directory of your website. Spiders read this file first, and process it, before they crawl your site. The simplest robots.txt file possible is this:

Controlling your CRM

When looking to integrate CRM into your infrastructure, the first thing most do is run to vendors to see whose solution best fits your needs. However, this is the worst possible way to began the program. If you allow vendors to establish your needs, then your results will be dependent on their software and their ability to read your company. Your company, however, is much more capable of developing a CRM plan, which can then be implemented by the vendor of your choice. Brenda Moncla, of ThinkFast Consulting, gives these five tips for developing a plan for your CRM.

Controlling Costs Key to Running a Business

With more and more small businesses and dot.coms going bankrupt these days, businesses are developing new strategies to stay in the game and obtain a profit at the same time. More than ever, not enough emphasis is being placed on controlling costs.
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