Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Marketing: Content, Context, Community

In a previous article I talked about the 3 C’s of Marketing as explained at John Jantsch’s Duct Tape Marketing.

eBay Keeps Its Affiliates In Context

Affiliates with online marketplace eBay feed the site visitors, and the people they pass along who register and buy on eBay add up to profits for the website and for the affiliates too.

Thinking Outside The Context For Ad Targeting

It's conceivable that when targeting a demographic, tunnel vision could become an issue.

Goofus & Gallant: Content vs. Context

Our latest installment of Goofus & Gallant tries to answer the question: "is it the medium or the message?"

Putting ContextWeb In Context

The year-old New York-based contextual advertising company has seen rapid growth and an influx of new VC funding.

It’s context that’s important

teve Broback at Blog Business Summit has posted a list of 51 PR firms whose websites include the word 'blog'...

Context For Your Blog

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the changing field of communication your blog exists in, take a look at the presentations from WOMMA Summit 2005. The focus is obviously word-of-mouth marketing, and blogs are just one tool from that perspective. But many of the speakers did talk about blogs as part of their strategies.

Context Is Everything

We're working on a media kit and collateral material for an internet company looking to boost its advertising substantially. The company has done extremely well for advertisers (mostly dr advertisers) on a cost per click basis. One reason for its success is that the user/consumer chooses this navigation tool - it isn't embedded in some other software - and it isn't spyware.