Friday, February 7, 2025


Gord on Connection & Community

As Media Post’s Search Insider Summit opened up, everyone fresh with coffee and battles with the bagel toasting machine, the smell of change in the search industry was in the air. Of course we know that change is a key component of search marketing and it’s what makes this industry so interesting and challenging.

FMS: Pending Clients Before Accepting a Connection

I'm currently working on a video chat app using Flash Media Server and Flex. This will be version 2 of my excercise and this time I want to add real scalability to the app.

eCommerce: I Second That Emotional Connection

"We are much more emotionally attached to products for which we feel some involvement. So true personalization and customization makes a real difference." - Donald Norman (author)

Sales and Technology – The Vital Connection

What are you doing today that is better and different to your competitors? How do you find and attract new clients?

I Want My RSS: The Video and RSS Connection

As the number of RSS subscribers continues to grow and video content becomes more prevalent online, publishers are using different methods and formats to deliver video to their viewers.

The Google, Deep Throat, WebMasterWorld Connection

The early bird gets the fake press release. Search Engine Journal's Loren Baker, scarcely before the sun came up this morning, rubbed his eyes, sipped his coffee and did a spit-take as he read the press release headline: "Google unveils new erotica search engine." Baker was able to wipe off his monitor, research the matter, and post about it by 7 AM.

Perle May be Sued for Hollinger Connection

Conrad Black and Hollinger International are the focus of a criminal investigation being conducted by U.S. federal prosecutors.

Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection – Part 1

One statistic shows that over 80% of all buying decisions are emotional. That means your copywriting should be, too. This is something I firmly believe in and have preached for most of my copywriting career. However, all too often, I find people skipping the vital step of making an emotional connection with their customers. That can be a tragic, and costly, mistake.
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