Google Connected To New Undersea Cable
Bharti Airtel, Global Transit, KDDI Corporation, Pacnet, and SingTel, along with one other corporation, are building an undersea fiber optic cable connecting America and Japan. The cable should cost around $300 million, and the last member of the six-company consortium is Google.
Cisco CCNA Exam: Connected Serial Interfaces
To pass the CCNA exam, you've got to master quite a few services and routing protocols that may be new to you.
Troubleshooting Directly Connected Serial Interfaces
CCNA exam success depends largely on noticing the details, and this is especially true of configurations involving directly connected serial interfaces.
Red Meat Connected With Bowel Cancer
Researchers just confirmed the bad news for meat-lovers everywhere. A diet rich in beef, lamb, pork, and processed meats (think sausages and cold cuts) increases the risk of colorectal cancer.
Staying Connected With Free Internet Service
Question: Carey, I bought a computer through PeoplePC, so I get their service included for 3 years. I have been having trouble staying connected through them and so am currently trying a free trial AOL disc. I don't even know where your site came from that showed up on my computer all of a sudden and I don't know if I will ever be able to find you again. I was downloading music from WinMX and at the same time checking something on eBay and still got disconnected.
Switching Users and Keeping RAS Connected
Question: While switching users in XP I lose my Internet connection. A popup window used to asked if I wanted to stay connected, but now this window does not appear. Is there some way I can have the RAS stay connected?