Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Yahoo Promotes “Web Of Objects” Concept At Search Event

Yahoo sure likes names that can be shouted.  At a search event the company held yesterday, speakers focused on a "Web of objects" concept - also known as WOO - that Yahoo intends to embrace as a way of moving beyond the standard ten blue links. 

Google/Twitter Concept Inspires Imaginations

There's been an unbelievable amount of buzz circulating around an acquisition that everyone likes to fantasize about, but may or may not ever actually occur. I'm talking of course about Google buying Twitter.

YouTube in HD – What A Concept

I have not seen any official announcements yet, but YouTube looks to be venturing into High-Definition territory, a place where its competitors are already residing. Meghan Keane at Wired writes:

Google Software Engineer Explains MapReduce Concept

Mark Chu-Carroll is a Google software engineer, and in a personal blog post this week explained the concept of one of Google’s programming models: MapReduce, which splits a task onto many computers on Google’s server farm (server farm, or single super computer, depending on how you look at it) to be quickly crunched.

Expanding The Concept Of “News”

Thanks to my mesh pal Mike Masnick from Techdirt for pointing me towards a recent column by Jeremy Wagstaff of Loose Wire (and the Wall Street Journal) that I had been meaning to post about. In the column, entitled "The Future of News," Jeremy writes about how it's difficult to talk about the future of news without admitting that the idea of what we call "news" has changed, and is continuing to change. As he puts its:

Proof of Concept Gives Comcast Headaches

In the Net Neutrality debate, the last thing phone and cable companies want is a proof of concept. In fact, as one FCC commissioner has noted, avoiding these proofs is what has kept them on relatively good behavior recently. So, it was bad news when torrent users accused Comcast of degrading and blocking torrents over the weekend.

Webmaster – An Obsolete Concept?

One word that causes a great deal of problems is Webmaster. Perhaps many will disagree with me, but hear me out. I acknowledge that it will be difficult to bury the word. After all even the mighty Google helps to support the word through its immensely useful Google Webmaster Central. However I believe this word and the function that it implies can create a great deal of organizational dysfunction, particularly in big companies.

Blogging Pays Off With Camaro Concept

It’s a well-known fact that most bloggers toil away in obscurity, and that a lucky few manage to obtain all sorts of fame, money, and material goods (or a talented few - I don’t mean to slight anyone).  But, oh, what goods - Jalopnik’s Ray Wert recently got his hands on a Camaro convertible concept car.
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