Saturday, December 14, 2024


Government Tracking Electronic Communications

A press release from FaceTime Communications stopped me cold today.

Video Communications – the New Age Marketing Tool

If you're a small business, you know how hard it is to compete against larger, wealthier competitors. Indeed, today's small businesses face a dilemma.

Microsoft’s Move Into Communications

Microsoft has announced plans to launch a unified platform for e-mail, instant messaging, videoconferencing, and telephone calls. This move could serve to strengthen the company's monopolistic characteristics. What's more, the Redmond-based corporation intends to use Office 2007 as the communications platform.

External and Internal Communications

Regardless of the other communication disciplines I have practiced-media relations, financial communications, corporate PR, the list goes on-I have always maintained employee communications as part of my portfolio.

Microsoft, Cisco SIP At Communications

A powerful combination of the leading operating system and networking system companies yielded an agreement to develop real-time communication services for the enterprise.

Random Thoughts at New Communications Forum

Sitting here today, as I came down on Caltrain (pretty fast ride) to do a podcast with Brian Oberkirch with other PR bloggers, and then sit and attend today.

Business blogs: Fad or long term communications tool

Business blogs are often referred to as being a fad. You know the line. It usually includes terms like "fad", "personal diary", "self important", and of course "waste of time and resources".