Putting Digital Colors in a Different Hue
Nowadays in the digital technology world, consumers are getting more inclined in the digital imaging market. As compared before, digital imaging tools like digital cameras, color printers and color scanners became less expensive, thus more accessible to eager users. Digital colors, along with their inherent complexities accompany the boom of digital imaging technology.
Psychological Impact Of Website Colors
I have spent a great deal of time surfing the internet with a critical eye bent on the psychological impact of websites to the viewer.
What Colors Make Your Services Most Attractive?
This information is based on the principles of Laws of Attraction, Law of Allowing and Law of Deliberate Creation. And the Universal Laws of Energy (like attract likes) proven by Quantum Physics.
Did Yahoo!’s Rising Storm Finalize a Shift in AskJeeves Colors?
Based On An Exclusive Interview With Ask's Jim Lanzone
Choosing the Perfect Colors for Your Web Site
When designing a Web site, most people give a lot of attention to two major factors: the design (graphics and logos) and the content. But what about the colors? This is one of the most important things to consider when designing your site. The colors of your Web site are important because they will define the mood and emotions of your visitors as well as reflect your identity and image branding.
A Rainy Day Of Rainbows: Colors And Website Design
There's more to websites than just images and text. A website is a marketing tool, representing the company, owner, employees and products. Beyond that, it is a personality. A website is a personality? Yes. It portrays a positive or negative symbolism and/or emotion.
How to Energize Your Marketing With Colors
I was once asked this question: "In relation to colors on a web site, have you done any research or found any material on what colors are more pleasing to the site visitor, or even what colors tend to produce more sales?" I believe this could be an important area that many of us overlook. Here's my answer.
The Colors of Space in Newsletter Design
In design-speak, all documents have a combination of white space, gray space, and black space, even if they use colored paper and colored headlines. The white space is the paper, the black space is the headlines, and the gray space is the text.