Yahoo Still Standing After Closing Bell
Ben Franklin might not have agreed, but after Microsoft withdrew its offer, the drop in Yahoo's stock became as certain as death and taxes. The only surprise was that, after a full day of trading, the drop was more of a dip than a plunge.
Window of Opportunity Closing for Paid Posts
I’ve tested out the ReviewMe service previously, but after they opened their campaign marketplace I’ve been tempted to try them again and run a few campaigns - especially after Shoemoney’s recommendation and decent quality of some of the paid for reviews.
Google’s Ad Serving Plan: Closing in on Offline
Two recent patents indicate that Google is taking significant steps to finding more places to put search, navigation, and ads.
Findory Closing Down
Greg Linden delivered some news that just brings my whole day down: Findory, the greatest personalized news site the internet has ever seen, is closing down.
Google Answers Is Closing
Google has announced that Google Answers, the very first non-search project from Google, is closing down forever. Come the end of the year, Answers will stop accepting new questions, although the old pages will remain up as archives.
Rural Broadband Gap Closing
Rural America is closing the gap in broadband usage. Two years ago, only nine percent of rural homes had high-speed Internet, compared to 22 percent of urban and suburban America. At the end of 2005, broadband Internet had made its way into 24 percent of rural homes, compared to 39 percent closer to the city.
Search Closing On Email As Top Activity
People in the U.S. still read and write email more than they search, but the gap between the two activities has narrowed as nearly 60 million adults use search every day.
Update: Yahoo Pedophile Chat Room Closing
In an announcement earlier today, the Nebraska and New York State Attorney's General issued a statement regarding their collaboration with Yahoo in the removal of user-created chat rooms promoting pedophilia.