Thursday, February 20, 2025


Closed Vs. Open Sourced Material

I have been thinking about a comment I got on creative commons and how it should be more clearly labeled in the longer run so that people know what they can do with media.

AOL Adds Closed Captioning For Video

AOL is testing closed captions for streaming news content from CNN aimed at enhancing the online media experience for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. The captioned content will be available through all AOL channels, which includes its network, service, Web portal and video portal.

Google Page Creator Closed By Demand

Only a few hours after news of Google Page Creator made the rounds, including appearances on Digg and Slashdot, Google has closed the service to new account requests.

Yahoo Open or Yahoo Closed?

Well, it seems that I get to quote Greg Linden a second time today. He points to the Yahoo's Personality Crisis article that's been stirring up a bit of discussion about whether Yahoo! will be opened or closed.

Google Earth Closed… At Least Temporarily

Apparently, even Google's web servers can be overloaded by too much traffic, or at least by people wanting to download the new hot Google product.

Are you paddling your canoe? Or just floating down the river of life with your eyes closed?

Live your life with no regrets! When you get older and think back on your life you want to be able to say, "I have lived a full life and I have no regrets!" The problem is most of us have not even thought about what we really want out of life. We get too busy with day-to-day activities and never stop and think what our dreams and goals are. Decide today that you will be different from the rest and take charge of your life!
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