Citigroup and Legg Mason Trade Businesses
Citigroup and Legg Mason are working out a deal in which Legg Mason will acquire Citigroup's Asset Management business, while Citigroup acquires Legg Mason's Broker-Dealer business.
Citigroup and Legg Mason Make A Deal
Citigroup and Legg Mason are doing a little trading of assets. Legg Mason will get Citigroup's Asset Management business, and Citigroup in return will get Legg Mason's broker-dealer business.
Citigroup Drops $2 Billion For UC Enron Investors
Citigroup was sued by a group of investors led by the University of California over its role in the fall of Enron. Citigroup agreed to pay $2 billion to settle.
UC Enron Investors Get $2 billion From Citigroup
A group of Enron investors fronted by the University of California has gotten $2 billion out of Citigroup as it agreed to pay this amount to settle a lawsuit.
Enron Investors Squeeze $2 Billion Out of Citigroup
Citigroup has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit from Enron investors, and pay $2 billion. The company was accused of having a role in a big accounting fraud scandal at Enron.
Citigroup Pays $2 Billion To Settle Suit Over Role in Enron Scandal
A group of Enron investors have managed to squeeze $2 billion out of Citigroup as it agreed to pay this amount to settle a lawsuit. Citigroup along with several other banks, was accused of having a role in a big accounting fraud scandal at Enron.
Citigroup Forks Out $2 billion To Settle Enron Suit
Citigroup has agreed to pay $2 billion to Enron Corp. to settle a class action lawsuit from investors. Citigroup was accused of having a role in a big accounting fraud scandal at Enron.
Citigroup Sells International Business to Metlife
MetLife is buying Citigroup's Travelers Life & Annuity, and all of Citigroup's international insurance businesses for $11.5 billion.