Friday, February 7, 2025


Google Transit Adds Chicago’s Info

Thanks to the cooperation of the Chicago Transit Authority, Google Transit's coverage now includes the Windy City.  Chicagoans seem to be pretty pleased about the development.

Google To Grow In Boston, Chicago

Most Google-related products, services, and announcements come out of Mountain View, but Googlers in Boston and Chicago are now grabbing some headlines of their own; the company’s locations in both cities are primed for some serious growth.

Search Engine Strategies Chicago

Later this afternoon Thomas and I will fly out to Search Engine Strategies in Chicago where I'll be covering some sessions, doing more video interviews, taking lots of photos and the best parts: learning and networking. I will also be sitting in on the Social Media Optimization panel with Neil, Rand, Andy and Todd.

ad:tech Chicago – Waiting for Your Cat to Bark

The last installment of Online Marketing Blog coverage of the Chicago ad:tech 2006 conference gathered together a good number of Eisenberg fans as well as those interested in learning more about conversions.

ad:tech Chicago – Advertising with Social Media

ad:tech Chicago is coming along nicely. Coverage of the conference by Online Marketing Blog as well as DMNews and iMedia Connection is keeping those who were not able to attend well informed. Here's the next installement of our coverage:

ad:tech Chicago 2006 – Day Two Roundup

Day two of ad:tech Chicago rounded up with a sigh. With all the parties Monday night, I think some of the attendees were looking forward to the end of the day.

ad:tech Chicago 2006 – Day One Roundup

The first day here at ad:tech Chicago was pretty good. I covered 3 sessions over at Online Marketing Blog and at the ad:tech blog.

Ad:tech Chicago 2006 Next Week

Next week is the next installment of the most popular event for interactive marketers, ad:tech. This year's Chicago conference promises outstanding keynotes on multicultural marketing, creativity and new ways for marketers to reach customers.
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