Google Checks Out PayPal’s Market Lead
Google's young online payment service, Checkout, is one of the few Google products to live up to the hype in some time. As of Cyber Monday 2006, Checkout halved PayPal's market share lead.
Google Makes SEO List, Checks It Twice
If you're good this year, SEOers, Google will make sure there are no major changes to how websites are ranked, as the company has done in previous years, just before the Christmas holidays. But if you're bad, expect to be put in SEO Time Out by being busted 30 ranks.
WHO Recognizes Benefits of GM Foods, Says Safety Checks Needed
The World Health Organization (WHO) said Thursday that it recognizes the benefits that farmers and consumers can get from genetically modified (GM) foods, but safety checks will always need to be performed before they are marketed.
Rejoice in Small Affiliate Checks
Did you get ANY affiliate check this past month? Good for you! You're ahead of the pack.
Joint Ventures: Money for Nothin’ and the Checks for Free.
Ever wanted to form one of those nifty "Joint Venture" things?
Usability Myths Need Reality Checks
Not so very long ago, it was agreed that five to eight users was enough for a good usability test. Somehow, this idea achieved mythic status. We believed it. We preached it to everyone who would listen. It survived in areas where it had been disproved, and was introduced into new situations where it didn't even apply.
Accept Credit Cards and Checks for Optimal Cash Flow
Recently, I tried to purchase a money order at the local Post Office only to be told that my credit card payment was not acceptable. The Post Office official stated that I could only use cash or a debit card - neither requirements I could satisfy at the time.