Voters Going Online For Candidate Information
While television remains the primary source for voters to get information on the presidential candidates positions, the Internet is the second most used source with 17.8 percent of voters saying they get their information about election issues online according to a survey from Burst Media.One-fifth (21.5%) of men say the Internet is their main source on the positions that the presidential candidates have on major election issues. Among men 25-34 years old, 28.6 percent cite the Internet as their primary source of election information.
Presidential Candidate Thompson Draws Traffic
Newly declared Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson had more visitors to his Web site than any of the other candidates according to Hitwise for the week ending September 8, 2007.
Search Isn’t Finding Candidate Stands On Issues
Though it is estimated 42 percent of voters use the Internet to find information about Presidential candidates, those voters are not being served as well as they could be.