Thursday, January 30, 2025


Dealing with Bullies Around the Office

Hi there Susan, I have worked for a corporate company for 19 years - My MD is an extremely "driven" individual and is very hard on himself. This character trait has changed recently to being one of total domination (especially regarding ideas or opinions)

Standing Up to School Yard Bullies

Picture it. You run your own business. You've worked long and hard for the past 18 months to get where you are today. Long hours, no weekends, anxiety attacks in the middle of the night worrying about whether you're going to be able to meet expenses for the month. Your phone rings. You answer it. "Stop sending me your rubbish!", the belligerent voice at the other end yells in your ear before slamming down the receiver. "Fruitcake", you mutter to yourself, dismissing the caller from your mind as you turn to more important things.

Coping With Business Bullies

Dear Susan: My boss spends so much time on trying to find things I am doing wrong that I frankly do not know how he has time for anything else. He also goes around to other supervisors and fellow employees and tells them things about me so now others are keeping their distance for fear that they will be next. I think this is a very severe case of what they call "bullying."

Internet Bullies: The Ugly Truth About Online Forums And How Business Owners Can Stop The Verbal Abuse

"The Internet is an ideal environment for the bully and the self-righteous - you can attack personally without being personally in front of the victim. The flame is an unavoidable result of one-to-one communication that isn't face-to-face..." Client Help Desk
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