Thursday, January 30, 2025


Mobile Internet Adoption Driven By Better Browsers

High-speed wireless data networks are available to most cell phone users, but few are performing "desktop" activities according to a new report from JupiterResearch, "Mobile Internet: Leave the Browser at Home on the Desktop."

What New Browsers Mean For Developers And SEOs

You may or may not have heard that new releases are here or about to be here for Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Microsoft, Mozilla Ready New Browsers

Internet Explorer 7 has been primed for release through Microsoft's Automatic Updates, while the Mozilla Foundation unveiled Firefox 2 Release Candidate 2 for their users.

Browsers Face JavaScript Spoofing Issue

The way browsers handle JavaScript dialog boxes may pose a security threat to an unthinking user.

Designing your Web Site for ALL Browsers

Let's face it. Building a web site that browses consistently on multiple platforms and multiple browsers is not always as easy as we would like.

Logo in the Browsers Address Bar – Favicon

Several people have asked me about logo branding with an image that appears in a users address bar. While I personally removed the Favorite Icon from most of my hosts (In the process of creating a more presentable graphic), it is an important factor for establishing a branding for your Website. There are primarily two benefits achieved with using a favicon.
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