Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Guardian Asks British Govt. To Investigate Google

We’re not witnessing the death of newspapers or journalism, just the apathetic and bloody culling of evolution; those with sustainable business models will survive, and those without, well, it’s curtains for ya. Nothing personal, just the way it’s gotta be.

Drop in Email Marketing Performance Among British Retailers

If there’s ever been a time when email marketers need to be on the ball with their communication, it’s right now. Consumers are harder to part from their cash and the competition for sales is hotter than ever. However, dotMailer’s annual benchmark study, “Hitting the Mark”, shows that the overall email marketing performance of the U.K.’s leading retailers is actually down on last year.

British Telecom’s Doing ISP-Based Behavioral Targeting

British Telecom began some ISP-based behavioral ad targeting testing today. Before privacy enthusiasts freak out, it's on an opt-in basis...so far. "Around 10,000 customers will be invited to opt in to the trial when they commence their browsing session. We will issue invitations at random," said British Telecom.

British Hacker Loses Extradition Appeal

The European Court of Human Rights has rejected the appeal of British hacker Gary McKinnon, opening the door for him to be extradited to the United States within weeks.McKinnon is accused of carrying out "the biggest military hack of all time" and could face up to 70 years if convicted in the U.S. for hacking the computers of the Pentagon, U.S. army, navy and NASA which caused $700,000 worth of damages. McKinnon has said he was searching for evidence of U.F.O.'s

British Man Wins Facebook Libel Case

A UK businessman has won a libel case and $44,000 in damages at London's High Court after false allegations were made about him on Facebook.Mathew Firsht sued a former friend for creating a bogus profile on the site that featured personal information about him and untrue claims about his sexual orientation.

British Blogger Fined For Threatening Post

Stupidity and anger are never a good combination. A British blogger has been fined for posting an offensive and menacing message about a police officer on his blog. Gavin Brent, 24, from Holywell, Flintshire, was fined $296 and $718  in costs. He said his post was not meant to be offensive and he used the blog to "let off steam."

Google Search Appliance Used By British Builder

It wouldn’t be surprising if, at some point, in some fashion, we see some Google-brand housing.  After all, parts of the Googleplex are already pretty cozy, and a recent development has placed Google at the fingertips of one of Britain’s biggest builders.

British Teen Goofs: Tells Cops About eBay Money

Okay first, let's establish two things as public service announcements: Don't pay $200 for a PlayStation 2; if you stumble over almost 100 grand, don't tell anybody about it, especially not the government.
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