Friday, February 7, 2025


Now Theres a Breakthrough for You: Some People Dont Get Sarcasm

A ripe and fermented "Duh!" resounded from the labs of Israel's (wait for it) RAMBAM Medical Center in Haifa upon the release of scientific confirmation of what we already knew. Brain damaged people don't understand sarcasm.

Harvard Business Review Calls Blogs a Breakthrough Idea for 2005

The February issue of Harvard Business Review, available only for sale online, lists the breakthrough ideas for 2005.

AOL’s Spam Breakthrough

AOL released numbers showing that the rise of Internet spam targeted to AOL has been halted and, in fact, reversed for the first time in more than five years.

10 Brilliant Methods to Move from Blechhh to Breakthrough in 5 minutes or less

Ever have one of those days? Seems as if the cloudy murkiness holds over your head sort of like the cloud of dust is continually hovering around Pig Pen's feet in the Peanuts cartoons.
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