Intel’s “Living Without Boundaries” Stunt Catches Fire
Last week I posted about the Intel Second Life campaign that were working on with Millions of Us.
Pushing the Boundaries on Blogs: Do Fake Blogs Work?
Blogging continues to move out of the realm of personal diarists and into the hands of business professionals and marketers. The transition isn't always smooth, especially as creative marketers use blogs in new ways to promote products, businesses and business strategies.
Want More Money & Less Stress? Set Some Boundaries!
At 2pm last Wednesday, I got a call from one of my clients. Before I could barely utter my "hello," she launched headlong into her story.
Structure + Boundaries = Freedom
No matter what the size of your business, you need to set boundaries and provide structure to your workday. You determine your schedule, not your clients or vendors. If you decide your day starts at 9:30 AM, then don't answer the phone or turn on the computer until then.