If Microsoft Bought Yahoo…
[Disclaimer: Though I work at Yahoo and know several Microsoft folks, I have absolutely no insider knowledge related to this post.]
What If Google Had Bought Friendster?
The New York Times is running an article about Friendster's woes, and latest attempts to revive itself. Naturally, it begins with Google.
NY Politicians Bought With AdWords
To better get the message out about the performance of members of the New York State Legislature, a political policy institute purchased ads through Google AdWords to publicize the grades the institute feels those politicians merit.
Bloggers ‘bought off’ by Fon? Not me
Um, I see an article in the Wall Street Journal about some bloggers who are getting compensated by Fon for being part of their board of directors or advisors or stuff like that.
Matt Cutts Knows You Bought Links
Forget about trying to slip reciprocal links past the master of the Google search algorithm. Fuggedaboutit. He knows why your PageRank dropped like a lead balloon.
The Simple Reason eBay Bought Skype
In two hours, eBay is holding a conference call about buying Skype. I'm visiting the Skype guys in Tallinn a couple of hours later.
Zeevo to be Bought by Broadcom
Broadcom has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Zeevo, a privately-held, Santa Clara-based provider of semiconductor and software solutions for Bluetooth wireless headset products.
Why Google Bought Blogger.com
You may have heard that Google recently purchased Pyra, the company responsible for Blogger.com, and BlogSpot.com, a "push-button publishing tool for the people..."