Saturday, February 22, 2025


Bluetooth Now Poised To Fulfill Its Promise

No question about it, Bluetooth is very handy thanks to its improved integration with computers, cell phones and automobiles.

Sony Ericsson Introduces Bluetooth Camera

The CeBit conference appears to be rivaling E3 in terms of its "cool factor". A number of technological companies have taken this opportunity to reveal upcoming gadgets and campaigns.

Introduction to Bluetooth and J2ME Part 2

In Part 1 we went over the basics of Bluetooth technology and some possible development opportunities Bluetooth gives us. Part 2 of this article goes into a little more detail how to create a Bluetooth server and client.

Introduction to Bluetooth and J2ME

This article goes through the introduction of what is Bluetooth and what you can do with Bluetooth. Both technical aspects of Bluetooth and development tools will be briefly introduced to you; however we will not go into great detail or specifically how to develop a Bluetooth application.

Broadcom Supplies Bluetooth Functionality in Acer Notebooks

Broadcom today announced it is supplying chips and software that enable Bluetooth wireless functionality in notebook computers from Acer.
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