Saturday, February 8, 2025


Digg Blocked For “Bandwidth Theft”

It's hard to find anybody to agree with the logic, and certainly the only people that appear to be writing about it have done so to heap ridicule and scorn, but (apparently) the same person to bring us has now introduced

Craigslist Blocked By Cox Interactive

In case anyone may be wondering what a world without network neutrality may look like, it could resemble the "Server Not Found" pages seen by Cox Interactive customers trying to access the Craigslist classifieds site.

Gmail Blocked By Verizon Spam Filters

Several people reported having email sent from the Gmail accounts to Verizon customers bounce back to them by overly aggressive spam filters over the weekend. Google says the problem has been fixed, but Verizon has been very silent on the matter.

Are Your Emails Getting Blocked by AOL?

Could the world's leader in interactive services be blocking your emails?

Why Google Blocked Scroogle

Do you remember Scroogle? Daniel Brandt, of, created Scroogle when he discovered that you could see pre-update results for search terms when you included "+ jibberish term" after your key term.
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