Wednesday, February 19, 2025


SEs Paying Users – Advertisers Beware

"If at first you do not succeed, try and buy your market share." Okay, admittedly this is a bad example of the mantra I am trying to get across but it does fairly represent the enticements a couple of search engines are using to attract users; Blingo and AGLOCO.

Beware The Busy Manager

Only about 10 percent of managers work purposefully to complete important tasks, according to a 10-year study of managerial behavior across a variety of industries.

Beware the Comfort Zone

I've seen it happen time and again to programmers, network engineers and administrators, and other IT personnel.

Web Designers Beware

As a web designer, I have a personal interest in a new trend which threatens to put me and my kind out of business.

Eeek! Beware of the Blogs!

Eeek! Beware of the scary bloggers! That's what Dellahaye is saying with the title of their ...

Internal Blogging More In Focus – Blog Consultants Beware

Internal blogging is discussed more and more. It doesn't surprise me. If we compare to web communication in general an intranet is for many companies more effective in terms of ROI than an external site.

Beware of eCommerce’s Riskiest Areas

In a survey taken by CyberSource, eCommerce merchants named New York the riskiest North American metro area for eCommerce.

Developers Beware: The Dragon Lurks

I am a software developer. I work in a profession in denial. I work in a profession that has hard times ahead and no one can see it. I see the iceberg off the bow, but can't get anyone else to view it as a threat. I see my job going overseas and I'm looking for my lifeboat now.
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