Tuesday, February 18, 2025


FriendFeed Benefits From Twitter Problems

Twitter: grabbing defeat from the jaws of success Amazing, Twitter has been half down all weekend long. Dave Winer and others have been writing about it. The problems have been covered on TechMeme and other places where one looks for interesting tech news.

Oprah’s Site Benefits From Free Book

Some new Hitwise statistics have led to two takeaways.  First, people follow Oprah.  Second, people like free stuff.  Simple enough, eh?

McDonald’s Benefits From Monopoly Traffic

In my mind, McDonald’s is a fast food joint; although I might have assumed a website existed, it was of no importance.  But traffic to that site has greatly increased in recent days, due (probably) to the annual Monopoly game.

Marketers Plan for More Social Media Benefits

It’s always nice to see another bit of research supporting the business use of social media. This one comes from Prospero Technologies, which provides businesses with a social media platform including blogs, widgets, article commenting, ratings and reviews and other tools.

Back To School Season Benefits Search Engines

Pencil . . . check.  Paper . . . check.  Access to your search engine of choice . . . check.  Well, maybe schools aren’t putting Google on their supply lists, but the back to school season has turned out well for all the major search companies.

Company Benefits from Employee Intranet Blogs

G. Oliver Young is fast becoming my new hero. Every time this Forrester analyst puts out a paper, it provides me with fodder to support my arguments supporting social media in the enterprise.

Benefits of Reciprocal Favoriting

Blogging experts and social media marketing experts frequently write about how important it is to build up a network of friends on social bookmarking sites, and even encourage careful gaming of the system by email and instant messenger. That is gaming the system purely for their own benefit. They might also frequently suggest you Digg their content, or add them to your bookmarks, or we could also add to that list "Add Me To Your Technorati Favorites", or "Subscribe to my feed".

Benefits of Web-Based Conferencing

I recently graduated from college, and instead of taking a corporate programming job, my friend and I started our own web development company.
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