Thursday, January 23, 2025


Googles Guana Believe, Begin, Become

Google's philanthropic arm, the Google Foundation, and TechnoServe, a nonprofit organization that supports entrepreneurs in developing countries, kicked off their "Believe Begin Become" business plan competition in the impoverished West African nation of Guana. Applications for acceptance opened Tuesday.

Would You Believe Feed-jacking Exists?

No matter what kind of useful, interesting technology comes into existence, there's always some piece of thieving criminal slime willing to steal it.

Microsoft Is Done For. Google Owns the World… You Believe That?

I just got back from Microsoft's Company Meeting. My first "real" meeting. This is the one they hold in a local baseball stadium with 10s of thousands of employees.

Don’t Believe Everything You Read in the Media

I like listening to Adam Curry's Daily Source Code as background listening as I'm working. That's how I usually listen to radio - background listening while I'm doing something else.

Doctors: Dont Believe The Hype About Vitamin E

Despite earlier trials suggesting that vitamin E might be effective cancer, heart attack, and stroke prevention for women, the most recent major study found this to be untrue.

Most Doctors Believe In God

Decades of studies have shown that the most educated and the richest of the general population are much less likely to believe in God. According to a recent survey, that doesn't apply to doctors. Seventy-six percent of doctors said they believed.

Don’t Believe the Skype?

Although I haven't yet tried Skype, I believe in it. There's something about "the world's big, free Internet telephony company" that sort of makes you sit up and take notice.

I Don’t Believe The Search Numbers…

A whole bunch of people at work today asked me if I had seen a recent posting on the Google Blog News Channel: What Search Engines Do Search Engine Companies Use?
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