Friday, January 10, 2025

becomes Becomes Parasite Host

Google’s trust of, the Democrat National Party’s official website, is being abused by cybercrooks to spread spam and malware via search results. Criminals are able to achieve high ranking for their sites in the search results simply by setting up a blog at the DNC website and passing on link juice from there.

Tired Old Goodmail Regroups, Becomes Net Neutrality Issue

Two year's ago there was a bit of a media frenzy surrounding Goodmail's apparent arrangement with AOL; if you don't recall the exact players you might remember national news coverage of the "email postage" scare in spring 2006. Well, Goodmail's back with a new CEO and a new plan: certifying video email.

Man Becomes Weepy Mess Over Totlol

Okay, okay, okay. So, not too long ago I was too macho and manly and calloused by the societal impositions of masculinity to ever admit to, or even have the stomach for, watching or looking at or thinking about anything involving kittens, bunnies, daisies or hugs for no reason. That elevated LOLCats to a kind of cuteness torture.

Drudge Becomes Media Scapegoat

Drudge is turning out to be a sacrificial lamb in the name of journalistic integrity, sparking not only a debate about how cozy British journalists are with the British government, but also illustrating how powerful a citizen journalist, or blogger, can be.Or "link journalist" I suppose, which is an interesting side-development.

iTunes Becomes Number 2 Music Seller In U.S.

The amount of music that consumers purchased in the U.S. rose by 6 percent in 2007, according to The NPD Group.An increase in digital download revenues was not able to make up for the decline in CD sales, which resulted in a net 10 percent decline in music spending (from $44 to $40 per capita among Internet users).

French President Becomes Online Sensation

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is receiving a lot of attention online for a video in which he tells a bystander to "get lost".Sarkozy was filmed by a journalist from the newspaper Le Parisien while attending an annual farm fair in Paris on Saturday. Sarkozy went to shake a mans hand who in response said," Don't touch me, you are soiling me." Sarkozy replied while still smiling," Get lost, dumb ass."

Google Reader Becomes Holiday Snitch

Google's orchestrating its own Facebook-Beacon-esque fiasco with its latest addition to Google Reader. Users are miffed (to put it lightly) that their shared feeds were suddenly broadcast to anybody they'd had a conversation with via Google Talk or Gmail chat.

Palo Alto Becomes Facebookplex?

We’ve posted about Facebook’s skyrocketing ad rates, about its growing user base, and now there’s news about the company expanding in a physical sense, as well.  This only makes sense, I suppose, but it’s apparently having quite an effect on the surrounding city.
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