Monday, January 13, 2025


LightPointe Lowers Barrier for Enterprise LAN-to-LAN Bridging

LightPointe, a designer and manufacturer of optical wireless products based on free-space optics (FSO) technology, is lowering the barrier for enterprises seeking cost-effective LAN-to-LAN bridging with its FlightLite 100, the newest addition to its application-specific Flight family of optical wireless solutions.

Breaking the Voice Mail Barrier

Even if you never place a cold call, you still have to reach people by phone. That customer who was so interested last month never called you back, and now you must call her. You call once, twice, three times, but you can't get her in person. How can you manage to close a sale if all you ever get is voice mail?

Crossing the Great Graphics Barrier

One of the first hurdles in learning Web design is understanding the use of graphics. The greatest of programmers can come up against the graphics barrier and sometimes just fall flat. Even professional desktop publishers when faced with a "design for the Web" task, can make critical errors.
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