Tuesday, January 7, 2025


The Balance Between Short and Long copy

While you may have read about creating quality information for your websites and how to write it, you may also be interested in know how much to write about your products, services, sales copy, etc.

Work vs. Life Balance in the Extreme

With all the "work vs. life balance" talk one hears from the executives and HR folks in large Silicon Valley corporations these days (thou shalt not burn out), it should (on the surface, at least) be surprising when folks leave with the intent of not working again for quite a while.

Damming the Info Flood: Gates Looks For Balance

At an annual CEO meeting at Micosoft's Redmond, Washington campus, chairman Bill Gates gave a fairly simple (if difficult to implement) directive that businesses should do more to guard against information overload for their employees while increasing productivity.

The Search Advertising Story and the Quest for Balance

Lisa Baertlein of AP weighs in with another story about the growing interest in paid search ads. The piece seems balanced and accurate.

Balance Your Home Business and Your Family Life?

I've read so many articles lately about balancing your life - family, business, spiritual, health and wellness - all of it. Admittedly, I was determined to do the same. Why not? There were all these power women out there, doing just that! Why couldn't I do it? I'll tell you why - once I realized what they were truly talking about, I didn't want it any longer.

How To Balance A Job, A Life and A Home Business!

For most of us Internet entrepreneurs the reality of starting our own home business on a full time basis is not a reality.

Web Space or Bandwidth: Finding the Right Balance

Before you choose a hosting plan, there are many things to consider. Two of the most important are the Web Server Space and the Data Transfer Allowance (also called bandwidth) that you will need. Web hosts will usually try to lure you with either a large amount of Web Space or monthly Data Transfer Allowance. Though the best case scenario would be to have plenty of both, most hosts tend to offer more of one and less of the other, so you will have to find the right balance.

The Futility of Managing From Your Bank Balance

If you needed to know what your cash balance was right now, would you look to your accounting system for the answer or would you call (or go online) with your bank?
1% increase in social media spending in 2025. France’s president proposes strategic expansion for djibouti military base - obasanjo news. Applying for a personal loan ? here’s what you should know.