Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Google Earth Promotes Global Awareness

One thing you can say about Google is they don't stray too far from their Birkenstocks –aside from the legal department, where the smell of free love will get you shot on sight. But two new environmental layers added to Google Earth are evidence of those patchouli-scented sandals.

Blending YouTube and Brand Awareness

Coke just unveiled a joint marketing effort with YouTube to expand its presence online. Perhaps Mentos opened Coke's eyes to the potential of social media?

Social Networks Launch Brand Awareness

An interesting case study from Hitwise succinctly illustrates how social networks can serve as a launching pad to mainstream brand awareness. They've done this by tracking the rise in popularity of British rock band Lil' Chris.

Sport a Pink Redesign to Support National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the United States, and many sites across the internet, especially concentrated within the blogosphere, have redesigned their layouts in pink monochrome to promote awareness of this disease.

Blog Awareness: Public Perception of Blogs

Blog awareness is, as expected, highest among bloggers themselves. Members of the blogging community tend to not only write their own blogs, but read other blogs, as well as link to blog after blog.

Raising Awareness Through Social Media

Global relief agency Oxfam brings us an interesting case study on social media relations' ability to raise awareness.

Testing Blog Awareness: Ask Other People

Blog awareness is, as expected, highest among bloggers themselves.

Building Brand Awareness Through Tradeshows

Branding is a basic marketing concept that is designed to set your products/services apart from the competition. By using a particular name, phrase, design, symbol or a combination of these, you can create a unique identity. When choosing a brand name, consider the following five criteria:
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