Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Google Makes New AdWords Editor Available

Google has released AdWords Editor version 7.0, a mere two months after 6.5 came out as Barry Schwartz points out at Search Engine Land. Google did not make any major announcements about the release, but just kind of put it out there, and we have not yet seen much in the way of user reactions.

AdWords Evangelist Available At SMX

Well, tomorrow's the first day of SMX, and if you're there, you've no doubt created a long list of people you want to meet and sessions you want to attend.  If you've got room for one more, Google's offering its own Fred Vallaeys, Product Evangelist for AdWords.

Trends Available In Google Checkout

Google has created a version of its Trends search comparison tool that allows people to look at Google Checkout and what people buy with it.

Coupons Available For Digital TV Switch

The government is now offering $40 coupons that people can use to apply towards the cost of a converter box that will allow analog TV to work when the switch to digital television takes place next year.

Live Search Webmaster Tools Finally Available

Microsoft has finally made its Live Search Webmaster Tools available to all site owners, webmasters and SEO professionals. After a brief private beta, the Live Search Webmaster Center aims to help website professionals improve their results in the MSN and Live.com Search Engines.

Ads Now Available Through Google, Clear Channel

Agreements are good and well, but it’s usually the results that count.  And Google’s got results; thanks to its relationship with Clear Channel Communications, AdWords advertisers should now have access to over 1,700 radio stations.

Final Report of the 2007 Analytics Shoot Out Available!

The 2007 Analytics Shoot Out Final Report is now available. This report is the final report in our study of 7 different analytics packages running across 4 different web sites simultaneously. Here are the sections you will find in this new report:

Clusty Mobile Is Made Available

I’m always suspicious when a company claims to have made its product or service available for mobiles.  Is the new version different than the regular offering?  And is it something I’d even want to access from my cell phone?  In regards to Clusty Mobile, a search site, the answer to that first question is “yes.”
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