Thursday, February 20, 2025


Online Vampire Novel Leak Sucks For Author

Best selling author Stephenie Meyer, writer of the popular vampire romance series known as "The Twilight Saga" has put her fifth and final installment on hold after a partial manuscript was leaked online.

Author’s Death Inspires Bloggers To Create

The untimely death of the author who co-wrote the adventure travel guide "100 Things to Do Before You Die" has led many bloggers to create their own lists of things to do before making the final exit.Dave Freeman, an advertising executive who co-authored the 1999 book with friend Neil Teplica, died on August 17 at the age of 47 after falling and hitting his head at his Venice, California home.

Author Surprised By Reaction To Internet Study

IT research company Nemertes Research created a stir about the future of the Internet when it published a study about the capacity of the Internet in the coming years.

Interview with CSS Cookbook Author

I recently had a chance to conduct an interview with Christopher Schmitt, author of the CSS Cookbook from O'Reilly, among other books.

O’Reilly Author Notices Microsoft’s Openness

Giles Turnbull, a Mac user who writes over on O'Reilly: "There's something that Microsoft is doing much better than Apple." ...

I am an AUTHOR” – Is this the next big fad?

Write an article, get the traffic. Well sort of! Since the birth of writing articles, our industry has caught on to the phenomena of increasing your website's traffic by becoming the professional in your field. The only problem with this is that for every serious professional in one field, there are a thousand other writers who are jumping on the "band wagon".

Author Blames Google For Ad Censorship

Once again failing to understand the Google AdWords TOS agreement, another person is attempting to make a misguided connection between an AdWords campaign denial by Google and a liberal political bias.

Interview with Make Easy Money with Google Author

Rick has an Interview with Eric Giguere the author of Make Easy Money with Google. Here's just one of the questions and answers: 4) How much money can one expect to make doing this? and how much time do I have to put into it
Thank you for pushing me to pass my driving test. Whatsapp loans hub. Top 10 best selling products online in 2025.