Google Remains Top Property In August
The Olympics and the U.S. Presidential campaign were the primary drivers of Internet traffic during the month of August, leading to increased visits at politics, sports, news and humor sites according to comScore Media Metrix.The politics category rose 33 percent to 14 million visitors as many Americans focused on the presidential race. The fastest growing category for the month was led by BarackObama.com with nearly 4 million visitors (up 113% from July), while JohnMcCain.com surged 108 percent to 1.4 million visitors.
Christmas In August: Tips For Holiday Marketing
Got your back-to-school marketing campaign all wrapped up? Good, now you can start on your Christmas campaign. Yes, I said Christmas campaign. Yes, it is only August. Hey, you got time to lean, you got time to. . .preen your holiday season marketing plan. Yeah, I know. Sometimes corny's all I got. Bygones.
Yahoo’s Shareholder Meeting Scheduled For August
It's a good news/try not to choke Jerry Yang situation for anyone eager to see the Microsoft-Yahoo mess resolved; a firm-looking date has been set for Yahoo's shareholder meeting, yet it's on the slightly faraway day of August 1st.
Yahoo Tops Google In August
comScore Media Metrix released today its monthly breakdown of U.S. consumer online activity at popular online sites for the month of August.
August Online Job Vacancies See Little Change
In August there were 4,104,800 online advertised job openings, an increase of 20,600 or 0.5 percent from the July level, according to the Conference Board help-Wanted Online Data Series.
Google, Whats the Forecast for August 25, 2007?
I have a challenge for the information science minds at Google or Yahoo! or any other star hopeful who wants to make a profound contribution to long-range event planners everywhere. Create an index that calculates probabilities of weather for any given day or time in the future.
Its August, Get Ready For Holiday Shopping
End-of-year sales success means online retailers need to start focusing on holiday initiatives.
Blog Business Summit August 17 – 19 San Francisco, CA
The annual Blog Business Summit is scheduled for August 17 - 19 2005 in San Francisco, California, USA.