Armstrong In Associated Content Conflict of Interest?
Elinor Mills is asking whether Google’s Tim Armstrong involvement with Associated Content is a conflict of interest. Associated Content creates content optimized for Google - so it can earn revenue from AdSense ads - and that raises questions about Armstrong sitting on the company’s board of directors.
Ask.com Ad Campaign Associated With Google
Ask.com has gotten a lot of flack over its “algorithm” ad campaign, and it seemed possible that the publicity might hurt, rather than help, the company. Now one survey has revealed that many people didn’t even associate the ads with Ask.com - instead, they believed those strange and controversial messages were coming from Google.
Seeds Of An Associated Blogosphere
A WiFi-connected "blogger bus" was parked outside E3, the Mecca of gaming in L.A., readied with plasma TVs and leather couches, so the Xbox faithful could hammer out the news and views to make up the canonical texts of the gaming "way of life."