Friday, February 7, 2025


How Is Google Ranking Knol Articles?

Some people noticed Knol articles are already sometimes ranking very well in Google results, even though Google promised Knol articles wouldn’t get any artificial boost.

Marketing With Articles

Recently a lot of people have been asking me questions about article marketing: what is it and how does it work? Article marketing is the act of writing short articles, generally 1,000 words or less, and getting them published on the Web or in ezines. Generally you don't get paid for these articles, but the ROI is that you get links from the article to your Web site. Since incoming links from relevant Web pages helps your search engine visibility, this is a good thing.

Debunking WordPress SEO “Expert” Articles

I am going to attempt to debunk almost every Wordpress SEO "Expert" article ever written, and in some respects this article even debunks some of the things I have written in the past.

Internet Marketing – Blogs or Articles?

Though articles have held the traditional place among internet marketers for building credibility, site content, and creating a place in which to insert search engine optimization keywords, blogs are quickly catching up in usage. But are they all they're cracked up to be? Which technique is better for your internet marketing: blogs or articles?

Trade Articles To Gain Traffic

Adding new visitor traffic to your website is always a challenge. Finding fresh and innovative promotional techniques is often as difficult as creating fresh content.

Write Articles Geared to Your Local Market to Bolster Your Local Search Visibility

Combine two dynamite online methods for bringing your business to the attention of buyers - Local Search and widely posted articles you write. Doing both gives you a jump on your local competition, plus additional credibility and exposure to your market.

Why Keyword Articles Are Good For Your Business

Content is an important component of your web site.

Writing Articles – Two Aspects Of The Surge

Writing articles for publication on the Internet is, at the time I write this, every Internet marketer's favourite way to get free publicity for his website.
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