Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Content Layering :: Using Site Architecture To Improve SEO

Many times, a site gets very large and its ability to rank well in competitive markets decreases in part because of the size of the site.

Basics Of Site Architecture

The week chugs on at the SES: Chicago and Murdok' own Chris Richardson picked up on some excellent comments from all the speakers in one of the final sessions from Tuesday, focusing on "Successful Site Architecture" and how to utilize architecture to get the best advantage for search engines.

42U Server Management: 5 Easy Steps to Beef up your KVM Architecture

Discover how to clean up your server room or desk top by examining 5 easy steps to beef up your current KVM solution.

Information Architecture: What Does It Mean to You?

Information architecture is a field of web design that has been getting a lot of attention recently. And with good reason: it is key to making money on the Web. Nobody seems to really know what it is, but I say it's creating blue prints for web sites. Doesn't this happen automatically? No, it doesn't, and this is the main reason why sites fail on customers.

Service Oriented Architecture: The Right Side Up

When technologies begin their ascent up the hype curve, typically there's a lot of opinions, confusion and nonsense. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is no different in this regard. I'd like to try and demystify the whole SOA world and debunk some of the myths that are being propagated about how SOA can and cannot help in solving real computing challenges.

J2EE Connector Architecture

There's a new adapter that adds a new standard as another option for Integrating Enterprise Java Applications.

Information Architecture: A Rose by Any Other Name

As more web practitioners have assumed the title of Information Architect to describe the work they do, and as more information architects (and user experience designers and user interface designers and information designers) are multitasking on reduced staffs, information architects have uncovered a wide range of ways to view both the practice and ourselves practicing. Unfortunately, a common response to this multiplicity has been to reiterate certain narrow definitions of information architecture, to impatiently seek consensus, and to view with suspicion those who don't fit.

Web Site Architecture and Search Engines Part 1

Reader question: I hear search engine marketers talk about site architecture all of the time and how important it is for search engine optimization. What exactly is site architecture and how should I be implementing it on my Web site?
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