Microsoft and Google – Different Approaches to Copyright
The Association of American Publishers and the Authors Guild is none too happy with Google's plan to indiscriminately scan, index, and allow the searching of millions of books from libraries the world over and Microsoft is capitalizing on this rare chink in Google's armor.
Copyrighters are claiming infringement because Google is making advertising revenue from the results of book searches in the Google Book Search system. Here are all of Google's arguments that I found:
Different Approaches To Social Media
The impact of social media on SEO cannot be understated. Because search engines frown on links acquired for ranking benefits, approaching link building via the organic process - creating linkbait - has risen to prominence.
Online Retail Soars as Cyber Monday Approaches
The Department of Commerce reports that online retail sales in the third quarter grew at four times the rate of total retail sales. In total, online retail sales in the third quarter reached $27.5 billion, which represents a 20.9% increase over the third quarter in 2005. In comparison, total offline retail sales for the third quarter 2006 are only up 5.1% from a year ago.
CIO Enterprise Identity Project Approaches
The Enterprise Identity Management project is all about automating business processes and synchronizing identity-related information across the enterprise.
NewComm Forum Approaches
The new media marketing universe, or at least what looks to be a good chunk of it, is set to descend on Palo Alto the week after next for the second annual NewComm Forum.
Skype Approaches a Crossroads
Is Skype reaching a sort of crossroads with its internet phone service in terms of customer satisfaction ...
What Marketing Approaches Will Work For Your Company?
As you carefully consider the importance of the marketing strategies and approaches you choose in reaching your target audience, what message do you hope to communicate to your potential purchasers and clients? Perhaps you are perplexed as to what approach would be most appropriate to your particular type of business, which is of course understandable. With so many ways and means available to choose from, it's often perplexing to know which will work best for you.