Sunday, January 12, 2025


I’m Not Saying to Spam Anything

Well, today on Webmaster Radio I presented the finding from the first rel="nofollow" test. A few minutes later in the chat room I was presented with a link to another blog. The post read as follows:

Some People Will Click On Anything

Pose whatever theory you like as to why, but an AdWords experiment revealed that people will click on just about anything – even if the ad tells them their computer will be infected with a virus if they do.

Not Doing anything the 1st Day

This is part 6 of a 10 part series. This is the sure sign of an analytical person: a person who just flat refuses to make a decision no matter how compelling the evidence is in favor of doing so. People like this are always the hardest to sell to, and they are often decision makers. Making a sale to such a person is completely different from making a sale to anybody else, and it is the trickiest process I know: but it can be done:

News Flash: Google’s Not Doing Anything

Oh how lost we are when there's little or no Google news! Mondays are bad anyway, but this is just silly: Google headlines centering on Google not buying anybody, how things are staying the same at the Googleplex and about how Eric Schmidt said Apple and Google were working together on some things he won't talk about. Let's review: nothing; nothing; and nondescript something. That's the Google news today.

Anything Good About Vista and Office 2007?

I haven’t yet upgraded to Windows Vista or Microsoft Office 2007. Still running Windows XP and Office Pro 2003 with every patch and update that’s been released. I do plan to upgrade. However, the negative experiences of some people give me a bit of a pause for thought.

Anything Worth Reviewing?

So I decided to test out ReviewMe for one of my sites, and I think it has been a pretty cool experience. I think most advertisers are going to eat it up after they give it a go.

How to Tell if a Google Deal Means Anything

We already know why Google announces so many useless partnerships, or at least one fringe benefit for the company, which is to signify that everyone is on its side, not Yahoo's or Microsoft's.

Just What, if Anything, is Wrong w/ Web Analytics

Is there really a problem with the way web analytics is performed? I think there probably is, but I don't pretend to know the answer for sure - or to believe that it's a question that can be easily answered.
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