Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Links: Your questions answered

What are links? Links are the pathways created by website owners that lead from one website to another. The internet was built on this series of interconnections between sites. Links are seen on virtually every page on the internet, ready to be clicked by the mouse, and send the internet surfer to another page either on the same site, or to a different website entirely.

Do-It-Yourself Usability Testing: Your Questions Answered

So, if you have followed all of our Usability articles, outlining how to create useful content, layout, and navigation, then you may feel your website is set and ready and usable. WRONG! Well, it may be usable, but how do you know for sure? Many top companies spend thousands of dollars to design their websites and then never even actually look at them themselves to see how usable they are.

Tax Questions Answered: eBusiness Deductions

Hi Wayne, I've had 3 CPAs all give me different answers, and a forth one flatly refuses to believe that any internet business is a "real" business; she's strictly 'Brick-n-mortar'. I sadly found this out 'after' she did my taxes, and cost me thousands in deductions.

Tax Questions Answered: Incorporating

Hi Wayne, I would like to incorporate my company. Some people are recommending to incorporate my company in Delaware. I would like to know how it works. If you charge for this advice or if you can help please let me know what is the cost for your help.

Tax questions Answered: Dissolving a Corporation

Hi Wayne, Just read your very informative article from Murdok. In the article you say that to dissolve an S corp is a can of worms, why? I launched my second ecommerce company in May of 02 in Massachusetts. I incorporated as an S corp. In October of 02 I moved to New York. I decided that since the company was not a huge success (yet) that there was really no reason for me to keep a corporation in Mass while living in NY.

Your Turn — Linux Questions Answered

A short time ago I wrote an article discussing resources for Red Hat 8.0. Widely touted as a more “user-friendly” version of Linux, I gave it a whirl and intended to share my views with you. Instead, I will respond to some of the many, many questions readers sent in. Thank you all for your feedback! You’ve raised some very good issues.
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