Sunday, January 12, 2025


MyLiveSearch Buzz Builds – To Annoying Levels?

A statement at the MyLiveSearch site says, “…..and they thought it couldn’t be done!”  I’m not sure who “they” are,” what “it” is, and I have to point out that MyLiveSearch hasn’t “done” much of anything - the search engine has yet to launch - but this may all be a reference to beating Google.

Stop Annoying People With Your Newsletter

I read a lot of newsletters. Some are great and some are not so great. I put together this article to highlight the five mistakes I see most often in other people's newsletters.

You Can Be Annoying if You Just Stay Anonymous

Spirit of America defines its mission as extending "the goodwill of the American people to assist those advancing freedom, democracy and peace abroad."
Our founder seca funding company. Is important for website users. Nevertheless, certain products may support weight loss and overall fat burning.