Thursday, January 9, 2025


Facebook Connect Announced

Yesterday MySpace announced that you can use your MySpace profile on other sites. Not to be outdone, today Facebook announced their version. It’s called Facebook Connect and it’s a good sign that data portability is catching on. Especially because Facebook usually doesn’t follow suit when it comes to sharing data (unless it’s for advertising).

Google Developer Event Announced

May 28th and May 29th appear to be pretty quiet days - on a national level, there shouldn't be any major events or holidays.  So, although we know not everyone will be able to attend, Google seems to have picked a good period in which to hold a developer gathering.

(Yawn) Blogger’s Choice Awards Announced

The results of the inaugural Blogger's Choice Awards are in, and they're kind of stupid, if I may say so from my high horse, as though the same people picked them that are dumbing down our news, entertainment programming, and well, everything else.

Google Health Announced for Next Year

Google’s Marissa Mayer, who replaced now ex-Google employee Adam Bosworth as manager of the Google Health product team, said Google Health will officially appear in early 2008. (Screenshots of the product already circulated.)

Google Partnership With Fairfax Digital Announced

Americans may not be familiar with the Fairfax Digital group, but it’s Australia’s “leading provider of online news and classifieds websites.”  And it’s now Google’s partner - Fairfax Digital has joined the Google Adsense network, will make some clips available through Google Video, and plans to integrate Google Maps throughout its properties.

(Lots Of) Web 2.0 Awards Announced

If I were to identify just the 41 categories, this article would become rather long and list-like.  If I were to mention each of the “over 200” websites involved, you’d hate me.  So I’ll simply report that SEOmoz has announced its 2007 Web. 2.0 Awards, and perhaps hit a few of the highlights while I’m at it.

Oddball YouTube Awards Announced Far, Wide

The winners of the first ever YouTube Video Awards have been announced, and ninjas and treadmill-hopping pop stars, among others, ruled the day.  Almost as interesting is the amount of attention the awards have gotten in the mainstream media. MSNBC, ABC, and FOX.  Newsday, the Chicago Sun Times, and the New York Times.  Even sources in Australia, Britain, and Italy have reported on the outcome.  If anyone still had doubts about how well-known Google’s pet project has become, let those lists erase their misgivings.

Topics Announced For The Frameworks Conference

The TeraTech Frameworks Conference has just posted the list of topics.
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