Thursday, February 20, 2025


YouTube Ads (The Aftermath)

YouTube finally unveiled the first real version of its a platform last week, and we’re still processing the results. Some stories:

iPhone: The Pre-Launch Aftermath

Love it or hate it or sick of it, Apple's iPhone is a hit before it hits, with searches for information spiking hundreds of percent, people lining up outside stores, old men complaining about it just as the rate plans are announced, three full days before the thing actually launches.

Internet Archive V. Shell: The Publicity Aftermath

After news of Suzanne Shell's countersuit against Internet Archive surviving by the thread of one non-dismissed claim – the claim that Internet Archive's Wayback Machine web crawler was guilty of breach of contract by ignoring the site's terms of use – hit the cyber circuit, a real catfight hissed and scratched its way across the weekend. You might call it a "flame war," in the traditional Internet sense, but that's hardly accurate.

Bill Gates Email Aftermath

In the aftermath of the Ray Ozzie and Bill Gates memos and emails I am seeing a few trends in the reaction.
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