Saturday, February 8, 2025


7 Bits Of Critical Information You Can’t Afford NOT To Know About Your Customers

If you think customer relationship management is just a piece of software, you're dead wrong. Customer relationship management is about understanding your customers. It's about really knowing them as individuals, knowing what they mean to your business, and most of all, knowing what you need to do to keep their business.

21 Life Changing Questions You Can’t Afford to Not Ask

Imagine finally taking off seven coats you've been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people consciously choose to live without seven layers of coats on even though most people are living that way.

The 10 Cash Flow Rules You Can’t Afford to Ignore

The statistics on small business failure are alarming. Michael Gerber, author of "The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It", says that 40% of businesses fail in their first year. 80% fail within their first five years.

Can I Afford This?

Its time to replace that old car. Your repair bills are starting to add up to more than the payment would be. But how do you know for sure if you can afford another vehicle?

Can You Afford To Stay Home?

A few years ago, after the birth of our second child, my husband and I were trying to decide whether or not it would be possible for me to stay home.

How To Work Out Whether A Business Can Afford To Hire You

Can a business afford to hire you? This is a big question for beginning copywriters. It's vital that you get an answer to this question. If you don't, you can spend money and time working with someone who's not in a position to be able to afford your rates.

IDS-Can you afford not to have one?

Everyone has an opinion as to the longevity of this type of technology, its validity and its capabilities as a security tool. Most security professionals will agree that an IDS cannot be used as your only form of defence. If an IDS is deployed in the correct manner, that is as part of an overall security program, with the correct processes and procedures in place governing operation maintenance and incident handling, can an organisation afford to be without one?

Can I Afford This Move?

Nearly always, your first consideration will be, "Can I afford to make this move?" You count up for savings. How long can you live before you lose your house or go on welfare? Can you afford the cost of living in Los Angeles or Boston? Can you find a job in one of those charming low-cost, low-employment towns?
While it’s not easy, becoming a millionaire through forex trading is certainly possible. Older adults usually start with a lower dose to decrease the risk of side effects. Tensor ring vikings cubit duo – handmade pure copper wire.