Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Affiliate Marketing Suggestions And Advice

Search this, social media that - a certain group of people might have thought all of PubCon would pass without so much as a nod in their direction, eh?  Well, never fear, as one session did indeed focus on affiliate marketing and some of the advantages, drawbacks, and strategies associated with it.

Darren Rowse Shares AdSense Advice

Darren Rowse is a blogger best known for his work on and Digital Photography School.  To say that he's successful would be an understatement - revenue from ads paid his mortgage - and today, Rowse shared some tips for making money with AdSense.

Follow Google’s Advice for Better AdSense Performance

Google has been providing tips for optimizing AdSense ads to enhance their performance. The company has provided a three-part video series on this subject, which it has just released the final installment for.

Google Offers Inbound Link Advice

Google’s Maile Ohye concluded Link Week with a tutorial on inbound links. It says basically what SEO experts have been saying for years: content and inbound links are most important, and in that order.

Some Good Advice: Google Prospective Executives

In this PR photo for BlueFreeway, a digital marketing company, Bill Emden looks like an ordinary Joe, apparently with digital marketing savvy to head up the company's Southeast Asian division. Perhaps since HR doesn't appear to have googled him, they expect Southeast Asia to offer the same discretion.

Google Gives Advice On Universal Search

Google had posted 'recommendations on how to take advantage of universal search' last year, in an effort to let the webmasters receive more relevant search traffic. In spite of this previous post, at the SMX West conference last month 'universal' and 'personalized' search remained the core of the conference topics.

Calacanis’ Advice For Economic Trouble

Tell that to Bear Sterns.Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis, formerly in charge of Netscape, former owner of Weblogs, Inc. who sold to AOL for a reported $25 million, has the answer for startups worried about getting through economic hard times: lots and lots of money.He's a Fordham alum, so you know where to send your contributions.Not known for his silver tongue, the Brooklyn-native reportedly replied to a small, perhaps slightly inebriated group of SES New York karaoke goers' concerns about the economic disaster the US is headed for with some sage-like advice.

Advice for Reputation & Brand Management

Recently I had a chance to post at WPW some reputation management help for Rebecca Kelly from Here is the thread from WPW: Reputation Management Advice
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